Helen Harvey reviews The Unsettled: Small stories of colonisation for Taranaki Daily News (hosted on Stuff):
‘Richard Shaw’s second book has been written out of the response to his first.
He wrote The Forgotten Coast telling his Irish great-grandfather’s story of being involved in the invasion of Parihaka and farming on confiscated land, and what that meant for Shaw, a professor of politics at Massey University, today.
The people who contacted him about the book led him to write The Unsettled: Small stories of colonisation, he said.
“The majority of people who got in touch said ‘it touched a chord’, or ‘that’s made me think about something that’s been bothering me for years’, or ‘this is my version of your story’.”
Those people, like Shaw, grew up with family stories which turned out not to be entirely correct, or had some things left out, Shaw, who went to Highlands Intermediate and Francis Douglas Memorial College, said.