Tutira Mai reviewed in the Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Social Issues


Thomas O’Brien, lecturer in Political Sociology at the University of York, has reviewed Tūtira Mai: Making change in Aotearoa New Zealand for the Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Social Issues.

The recent occupation of the Parliament grounds in Wellington caused considerable concern for those observing, while also raising important questions about citizenship, rights and belonging in Aotearoa New Zealand. The range of people involved and the grievances presented were varied, although there were echoes of darker and more extreme movements in other countries (see Morelock and Ziotti Narita, 2022). Reflecting on the occupation forces us to consider what change is palatable and how it can best be achieved. Actions involving occupation have a place in contemporary society, what remains is a need to examine and weigh the claims being presented. Comparing the Wellington anti-mandate occupation (Vonash and Turp, 2022) with that of Ihumātao (Nairn et al, 2021) is illustrative in this regard, as we see apparently short-term issues and opportunism contrasting strongly with long-standing, historically rooted claims. Both can be presented as forms of active citizenship in their calls for change, which points us to the need to consider what constitutes active citizenship and what forms of change may be sought in contemporary Aotearoa.

In this book, Belgrave and Dodson have brought together a broad array of contributors to reflect on and unpack this puzzle.

Read the full review here.