Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide reviewed on New Zealand Arts Review


John Daly-Peoples has reviewed Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide, the latest in our series of architectural guides by John Walsh and Patrick Reynolds. You can read his review below:

‘John Walsh and photographer Patrick Reynolds have just launched Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide, their third book in the series of architectural walking tours following on from their books on Auckland and Christchurch. It is a great addition to books which explore and explain our built environment.

John Walsh in the introduction notes that he was born in Wellington which was as “compact and confined as a medieval city-state, intensely impressed itself on me, in the most impressionable part of my life. My mother had moved to Wellington where she met my father, and they were married in the church at St Gerard’s Monastery. I remember the Freyberg Pool, where I learned to swim; the summer lights strung on the Norfolk pines along Oriental Parade; and the council yard where my father worked, next to the Herd Street Post and Telegraph Building. My high school was near the old National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum; we’d be sent to mass at St Mary of the Angels and, in blazers and ties, despatched from Wellington Railway Station on rugby expeditions into the hinterlands of the Hutt Valley.”’

Read the full review, complete with a selection of images from the book, here.