John Walsh reveals his favourite Oriental Parade buildings


The Herald has run an article by Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide author John Walsh; in it, he shares some of what makes Wellington a unique city, and what makes this latest in the walking guide series so rich.

‘Topography and history have combined to make Wellington the country's most citified city. The compactness that's a consequence of the shortage of flat land is complemented by the development generated by Wellington's status as home of the government and, for much of the 20th century, the preferred location for corporate head offices.

The density of Wellington has resulted in a walkable city organised around streets of strong and diverse character – main arteries such as Cuba St and Aro St, Willis St and Customhouse Quay, Lambton Quay and The Terrace. Architecturally, Wellington is a very legible city. From its footpaths, you can get a strong sense of a century and a half of urban evolution and of the design styles deployed by successive generations of Wellington architects.’

Read the full piece here.