Dick Frizzell talks to Metropol editor Lynda Papesch


Dick Frizzell talks to Metropol editor Lynda Papesch:

Space may not be the final frontier it once was, yet the sun, the stars and the universe still hold a fascination for millions of people. Among them is artist Dick Frizzell, usually better known for his paintings and illustrations than his writing.

Frizzell studied at Christchurch’s Ilam School of Fine Arts from 1960 to 1963, before a long career in advertising running parallel with his successful artistic endeavours.

Kiwis have Frizzell to thank for pop art images such as Mickey to Tiki, the 4 Square Grocer, Daffy to Daffy, and many others as well as more traditional still life, landscape and portrait works.

In The Sun Is a Star, Frizzell combines his lifelong fascination with astronomy and cosmology in a colourful book featuring illustrations by more than 30 of his artist friends, including John Pule, Greg O’Brien, John Reynolds, Judy Darragh, Grahame Sydney, Karl Maughan, and Wayne Youle.

Read the full piece here