Sue Kedgley: 'It's time to feminise our world'


Sarah Catherall interviews Sue Kedgely for Your Weekend.

‘Sue Kedgley​ looks out her living room window at the wind battering Oriental Parade and blames men for the mess we find ourselves in. Concerned about our out-of-balance world on the brink of ecological collapse, she points the finger at 6000 years of patriarchy, and says it’s time to “feminise our world’’.

Kiwis probably know the 73-year-old best for her work as a Green MP, local body politician and food activist. Today, she’s on the local district health and Consumer New Zealand boards​. She’s less well known as a pioneering feminist, but Kedgley was a prominent leader of the 1970s women’s liberation movement, who pushed for many of the changes which women take for granted today. She’s written about her life as a feminist in her new book, her seventh, Fifty Years a Feminist, which traverses five decades of feminism and activism seen through her eyes.’

Read the full piece here.