Poetry alive and in progress


Laine Moger at Stuff.co.nz reports back from the launch of the 2018 Poetry New Zealand Yearbook:

‘A collection of new poetry has been metaphorically launched into the literary waters of New Zealand for the 52nd year in a row.

‘Distinguished poet and Massey creative writing teacher Bryan Walpert officially declared the Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2018 launched, at an event at Auckland's Devonport Library on March 20.

‘Walpert noted the word launch was a metaphor, used first by Mark Twain in 1870 and, as poets deal in metaphor, it was fitting to begin such an event with such a word.

‘Alistair Paterson is the featured poet of the book, and esteemed guest at the launch. For many poets reading at the event, it was Paterson who gave them their first published poem.

‘He was the previous editor before publisher Massey University Press, for 20 years from 1994 to 2014, and one of his poems was published in the very first publication in 1951.’

Read the full article here.