The art of extreme nursing

<p>Author of <em>A Nurse on the Edge of the Desert </em>Andrew Cameron.</p>

Author of A Nurse on the Edge of the Desert Andrew Cameron.

On a morning in early March this year Andrew Cameron heard a ‘dull thump’ and then the ‘unmistakable rattle of automatic gunfire’.

He was in Kabul and – though he wasn’t allowed to give details in the closing chapters of his book –  it is clear from media reports at the time that he was in hearing distance of an attack on a military hospital that left about 50 people dead.

The Red Cross nurse was only in Kabul as weeks earlier an aid convoy had been ambushed on its way north killing six Red Cross workers and two more were presumed abducted. So Red Cross activities had been suspended and he and others on assignment around Afghanistan had been called back to the capital.


Read the full article by Nursing Review here