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Kei te aha ngā kararehe? What are the animals doing?

Te Ataakura Pewhairangi

book cover for Kei te aha ngā kararehe? What are the animals doing?
Title Info Sheet

Hard cover


A gorgeous bilingual board book

Find out what all the animals are up to in this delightful board book, in both English and te reo Māori. The simple question-and-answer format introduces new words in an engaging and interactive way, and the charming photographs by renowned New Zealand photographer Jane Ussher provide opportunities for tamariki and their whānau to tell new stories and explore both languages. Includes a vocabulary list and simple language tips.

Tūhuratia ngā mahi a ngā kararehe i tēnei pukapuka pārekareka. He nui ngā kupu hou ka hua i te pukapuka nei i te wairua pāhekoheko, i te ngāwari o te whakatakoto o ngā pātai me ngā whakautu, me ngā whakaahua ātaahua hoki a te kaiwhakaahua rongonui, a Jane Ussher. Mā konei e āhei ai ngā tamariki me o rātau whānau te kōrero i ā rātau paki hou me te tūhura i ngā reo e rua. Kua tāpirihia he rārangi kupu me ētahi tohutohu ngāwari mō te taha ki te reo.

To look inside, click here.

A te reo Māori edition is also available.

‘Has enormous appeal’ — Ann Packer, New Zealand Listener

  • CATEGORY: Children and young adults, Te ao Māori
  • ISBN: 9780995146587
  • PUBLISHER: Massey University Press
  • IMPRINT: Massey University Press
  • PUBLISHED: 08/07/2021
  • FORMAT: Hard cover
Profile image for Te Ataakura Pewhairangi

Te Ataakura Pewhairangi, Ngāti Porou, is a Māori Student Recruitment Advisor at Massey University.