Hard by the Cloud House

Peter Walker

book cover for Hard by the Cloud House
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Soft cover


An eagle, and its place in our history

The legend of Te Hokioi, the extinct giant eagle of New Zealand, leads Peter Walker from a Canterbury sheep run to the Rare Books Room of the British Library and to ‘sacred’ Raiatea in Polynesia, as he uncovers
the story of the predator which once ruled over the Southern Alps.

Was this bird, whose existence was confirmed by scientists only in 2009, the Rukh of Arab legends? Does that mean that medieval Islamic mariners were once blown far into the Pacific, saw the great raptor and made it back home to tell the tale?

From the calamitous encounter of South Island Māori with colonisation to the glories of tenth-century Baghdad, Hard by the Cloud House is a heady mix of history, memoir, science and mythology.

To look inside, click here.

‘There is much to love about this book . . . it is a poetic ramble, beautifully written, wildly speculative — at its best, revealing and laugh-out-loud funny’ — Jenny Nicholls, Waiheke Weekender

‘This might be a heady, occasionally breathless ride, but by the book’s final paragraph, you are also left slightly breathless, exhilarated and ultimately beguiled by what you have discovered in this cabinet of curiosities’ — Chris Moore, New Zealand Listener

  • CATEGORY: Biography and memoir, History, Natural history and environment, Te ao Māori
  • ISBN: 9781991016713
  • ESBN: 9781991016812
  • PUBLISHER: Massey University Press
  • IMPRINT: Massey University Press
  • PUBLISHED: 11/04/2024
  • PAGE EXTENT: 288
  • FORMAT: Soft cover
Profile image for Peter Walker

Peter Walker began his writing career as a journalist and is the author of the acclaimed memoir The Fox Boy.