Welcome to cyberspace — where all your computing and connection needs are on demand, and where security threats have never been more massive
A world without the advantages and convenience provided by cyberspace and the internet of things is now unimaginable. But do we truly grasp the threats to this massive, interconnected system? And do we really understand how to secure it? After all, cyber security is no longer just a technology problem; the effort to secure systems and society are now one and the same.
This book discusses cyber security and cyber policy in an effort to improve the use and acceptance of security services. It argues that a substantive dialogue around cyberspace, cyber security and cyber policy is critical to a better understanding of the serious security issues we face.
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Dr Andrew Colarik is a senior lecturer with the Centre for Defence and Security Studies at Massey University.
Dr Julian Jang-Jaccard is an associate professor with the Information Technology cluster of the College of Science at Massey University.
Dr Anuradha Mathrani is a senior lecturer in Information Technology in the Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Massey University.